Registration Web Site NAME * PARENT’S/GUARDIAN NAME * DATE OF BIRTH * CELL PHONE * GENDER * Male Female Preferred Not to say CNIC * PROFESSION * PREFFERED TIME * ADDRESS * E-MAIL * MEDICAL CONDITIONS (IF ANY): PURPOSE OF JOINING THE FITNESS CENTER * WEIGHT LOSS WEIGHT GAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The exercise programs and facilities provided by the fitness center are designed with the member’s safety in mind, however it is agreed that such programs and facilities are used entirely at the members own risk. 2. A new emergency contact sheet must be submitted every time information changes. 3. The facilities provided in the fitness area are intended to be of the highest quality and they will be well maintained, however should any breakdown occur the member does not have the right to redress or take action against the StayFit or its employees. 4. StayFit is not responsible for the damage to or loss of member’s property on the premises. 5. Members must undertake a fitness assessment before they can use the fitness facilities. Medical authorization or a signed disclaimer must be supplied if requested by the Fitness Instructor. 6. The member agrees to observe the membership rules designed for the mutual benefit of all members. StayFit reserves the right to withdraw all membership rights from any member who breaks the rules after receiving due warning without reimbursement. 7. Registration fee is one time only and non-refundable. 8. Registration number is your unique ID which is non-transferable, kindly remember it. 9. StayFit reserves the right to restrict access to the facility without Registration ID. 10. You are fully aware and agree to pay the following fees mentioned in the agreement 11. Do Not Forget to take receipt of your payment as it will serve as a proof if required any time during the month. 12. The Management reserves the right to amend the Membership rules at any time. Accept all the terms and conditions * I have read the terms and conditions and agree to abide by the conditions set out by STAYFIT